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Mississauga & Oakville Employment Lawyers Advising on Workplace Policies & Compliance

Over the lifespan of a venture, there are many policies that a business must have on hand in order to fulfill their various legal obligations. Understanding which policies must be created, what format they should be in, and how often they must be updated can be challenging to business owners, particularly when they are also thinking about all the other elements necessary to run a successful business. However, not turning your mind to these policies, or not having them in place can be a significant risk and can open you up to serious liability.

At Bader Law in Mississauga and Oakville, we have been advising business owners on complying with their various legal obligations for many years. We help businesses of all sizes and across all sectors. Our clients range from family-owned services companies to medium-sized software, technology, manufacturing, and industrial service enterprises with more than one hundred employees and annual revenues exceeding $50 million across multiple jurisdictions.

Required Workplace Policies

As a business owner, particularly one that employs others, there is a vast array of laws and regulations you must comply with that require you to have up-to-date and written policies in place. These include:

  • Policies for accessibility under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA);
  • Workplace harassment and workplace violence policies under Bill 168 and the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA);
  • Workplace discrimination policies under the Human Rights Code; and
  • Employment standards policies under the Employment Standards Act.

In addition to these required policies, it is a good idea to have your employment contracts reviewed by an employment lawyer before they are provided to prospective employees, and every few years thereafter to ensure they continue to be enforceable as caselaw changes.

Ensuring Compliance

At Bader Law, our team of highly experienced employment lawyers can perform an audit or spot check of your business to ensure you are adhering to every piece of legislation you are obligated to comply with. We can come to your workplace to review your policies, ensure they are up to date, update them if necessary, and advise on any that you are missing. With our help, you can proactively manage risk, create a safe and productive workplace, and set the stage for happy employees and continued growth.

We have a range of service plans available for employers of different sizes to develop standard employment agreement templates, health and safety policies, and policy manuals.

Bader Law: Helping Business Owners Ensure Compliance with Legal Obligations in Mississauga, Oakville & Across Ontario

The lawyers at Bader Law regularly assist business owners and entrepreneurs in ensuring compliance with their legal and financial obligations. Contact us online or at (289) 652-9092 to learn what we can do for you and your business.