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Experienced Will and Estate Lawyers Serving Mississauga, Oakville, and Ontario

The importance of a well-thought-out estate plan cannot be overstated. Without a valid Will in place, a person has no control over the distribution of their assets after their death. Under Ontario’s Succession Law Reform Act, when a person dies intestate, or without a Will, their assets are divided in strict adherence with provincial succession law, taking away any control the person could have had when they were living. While nobody looks forward to contemplating their own death, the relief provided by knowing your loved ones will be taken care of in accordance with your own wishes is immeasurable.

For those who are appointed as Estate Trustees under a Will, probating an estate can be a stressful and time-consuming process. Many Estate Trustees are still grieving the loved one they lost when they are required to begin the complex probate process, and they often don’t know where to begin. A skilled lawyer will provide guidance from start to finish, ensuring that each Trustee fulfills each of their obligations in accordance with the law.

At Bader Law, we have considerable experience providing insight and legal guidance on the estate planning process, and working with Estate Trustees and beneficiaries throughout the entire probate process. We work with clients throughout Oakville, Mississauga, and the surrounding areas on simple and highly complex estate planning and probate matters.

Estate Planning Services

Bader Law provides guidance on designing an estate plan that minimizes an estate’s tax obligations and probate fees whenever possible. If you are a business owner, we will design a business succession plan customized to your individual needs to ensure your business carries on as you wish. We provide the following estate planning services:

  • Will design and review;
  • Trust planning and execution;
  • Business succession plans; and
  • Powers of Attorney.

Estate Probate Services

If you have been appointed as an Estate Trustee, our wills and estates lawyers will work with you to ensure you are in compliance with your duties under the law. The process can become quite involved, especially when it comes to complex estates involving ongoing trusts, business assets or in cases where a dispute arises. Our team will provide sound advice throughout, from the initial probate of the Will to fulfilling the estate’s final tax obligations. We provide the following services:

  • Probating a Will;
  • Managing real property transactions as part of the probate process;
  • Distribution of assets; and
  • Estate tax preparation and filings.

Contact Bader Law in Mississauga & Oakville for Experienced Advice and Representation in Will and Estate Matters

The skilled will and estate lawyers at Bader Law represent individuals, families and business owners with comprehensive estate planning needs in Mississauga, Oakville, and throughout the Greater Toronto Area. We advise clients on best practices in both simple and complex estate matters to ensure they have a plan in place to protect their interests and minimize their estate tax obligations. We also represent estate trustees and beneficiaries in various probate matters. Contact us online or at (289) 652-9092 to learn how we can help.